Yes folks, she will no longer be known as BabyL she is now Talia Li Shun Laforest. Gotta nice ring to it don't ya think?
We have also booked flights and have a rough itinerary. We leave Sept 16th fly to Beijing arrive at 3 in the afternoon on the 17th Beijing time and we opted for an extra day so we will be on our own on the 18th and fly to her province on the 19th where we will meet up with our beautiful daughter.
One of the ladies at work noted yesterday when we were chatting that it was exactly 8 weeks yesterday that we will be holding our girl in our arms... When she put it like that, that doesn't seem like a whole lotta time and we have a whole lotta things to do :-) Somehow I know it is all going to get done.
Last weekend I sorted out the 6 rubbermaid containers of clothes that my sister has given us into sizes to see what we had. I think we will be o.k. for a while :-)
Other than that, things seems to be moving at warp speed and I leave you with a picture of my beauty!
Talia is oh so sweet!! What kissable little cheeks she has!
Congrats on getting travel dates. Wheee!!! The time will fly by quickly although I must admit you arms will ache much of that time. Ache to hold your baby girl!! :o)
One idea I recommend to people traveling that I wish I had done was to capture a nightly video diary where I shared details of what happened that day. It may just be something you use yourself but it's such a quick, easy way to capture memories that you will want to hold on to forever!
Hi there! I just found your site on the chinaadoptionsites blog. We are waiting for travel approval to get our little girl in Jiangxi, and we are crossing our fingers that we can get September 19th also! We may see you there! Congratulations!
She is adorable!!! Love the name Talia very sweet. You're right things are moving along pretty quickly. Did you get your travel Arrangements form China yet? We got ours last Thursday so we are so lucky to have just missed the cut off date of Aug 1st!!!! See you in Beijing!!!
She is so precious. I am looking forward to following your journey. Post lots of pictures. Blessings, Debbie- Mammam to Grace Yan Cui
LOVe the name too. So cute. She is adorable beyond belief. Can you believe that you are this close? AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! Can you believe Im back to check in...its been years! CONGRATS on your beautiful Talia! I cant wait to follow your trip. Make sure you say Hi to Yulin from me & Channing. Take care & great to hear your awesome news!!!!
**Kim from Chasing Channing!!!!
I just found your blog at chinaadoptionsites. I love reading about adoption journeys as our first adopted granddaughter is from China. (Oh, the ups and downs of that journey!) She is now 3 years old and is SUCH a joy! Our wait was 4 years and I understand now it is even longer. Be encouraged...I know you have heard this, but it's true....when you hold your precious little girl in your arms, all else will disappear except for the joy and intense emotions of the moment. She will be SO worth the wait! Yesterday our son's family stopped by on their way somewhere, and when I went out to see them, our little granddaughter threw her arms straight up and started running and fairly flew into my arms! My heart melted yet again. What a beautiful little one! About a year ago we were blessed with two more adopted grandchildren from another country. Those precious ones - biological siblings - have brought even more joy to our lives. Bless you and everyone who opens their hearts to children who need a forever family!
And I should add...your daughter is absolutely lovely! I agree with Catherine.....what kissable little cheeks! Wishing you safe travels.
She is adorable!
One of my baby's picture is in this same seat...but we could only see the handle and tray.
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