Just thought that I would share what J and I did for Valentines day.... I was humming and hawing about what we were going to do. I have been wanting to go for a long weekend trip to either Washington DC or Boston for a while now... (these are cities where we can get a direct flight from where we live) So when I checked out the flight status, it was a lot on the expensive side. So what to do now... I let J know that it was his turn to plan the day this time (I planned our anniversary night, and we went to taco bell and Cirque de Soleil). I get an email at work from J and in the subject line it says "Happy Valentines day" and then I open it up and it is an itinerary for Chateau Montabello, which is a fairmont resort about an hour away from us. I saw what days he booked us in for, we were arriving Friday and leaving Sat. O.k. so next thing to do is book half a day off work on Friday so we can make the most of it. When I called J with squeals of delight that we were going, I asked him if he got half a day off as well. There was a slight pause on the phone. Ohhhh I thought V day was on Sunday.. I chuckled and thought... only J... So off we went we arrived, got checked in, we went and toured the place a bit as this was our first time there. The place is huge! Went to the activity centre to plan what we were going to do while we were there. The activities they have there are incredible. You know we are in Canada when they have a curling rink. They had two outdoor skating rinks, you could cross country ski, you could rent a snowmobile, the list was endless. We then grabbed our bathing suits and went down to the pool. We had our dinner pool side and just basically relaxed! It was really nice. We then went to our room and crashed and I won't even tell you the time because it is embarrassing how early it was. The next morning we woke up had a beautiful buffet breakfast, back to our room, grabbed some hats and mitts and went out to the dog sled area. I actually went dogsledding!!!!!!!!! The person who took us was very french (Chateau Montabello is actually in Quebec) but he had explained to us the different Huskies and that the Alaskan huskies eat three time more than the Siberian huskies. He also let us know that normally they have 8-12 dogs pulling the sled but that day was really "fast" so we only had 6 dogs. Holy cow, if this was 6 dogs pulling our sled I couldn't imagine 8 or even 12 dogs pulling. It was tres fast and bumpy too. Then we went for a walk on the grounds and headed back to our room and packed to go home and retrieve our dogs from our friends who watched them for us. Thanks again S & B.
Other than that not much else is happening... My SIL, hubby and baby are moving in with us for a month. They sold their place and the closing of the new place is a month apart. It will be fun having the baby around. It will start preparing us for when we have our own.
As always I will leave you with a couple of pictures.

This is a church that is on the property at Chateau Montabello

This is pretty self explanatory, these are the pups that pulled my sled. Poor pups
Sounds like a lovely place...and very romantic!
I put it on my list of places to go.
Seems the house is going to be full.
My in laws are arriving for 2 weeks at the beginning of March. Maybe when everybody is free in April we can do something together?
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