Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Our little Canadian Citizen!

Well... there was something special in the mail today, a letter to Miss. T from Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship welcoming her to the Canadian Family, along with her Canadian Citizenship card. Tres cool!

Miss T. was very excited upon hearing the news! :-)


Debbie Sauer said...

What a cutey! Looks like she is very happy about her citizenship.
Blessings, Debbie

Catherine said...

Congratulations! A big day indeed!

Welcome to Canada precious little Miss L!

Cedar said...

I LOVE her happy smile! Did you get to visit the orphanage? My baby and your baby's time there would have overlapped a few months...

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Congratulations! A big and wonderful day. (And the cutest little smile EVER!)